#CHAPTER 1 PART 2 what means Offering to do something? If you offer to do something, you say that you are willing to do it. Peter offered to teach them water-skiing. ~ Definition of offering ~ 1 a: the act of one who offers b: something offered especially : a sacrifice ceremonially offered as a part of worship c: a contribution to the support of a church 2: something offered for sale or patronage //latest offerings of the leading novelists 3: a course of instruction or study ~ Different Expressions of Offering Something to Someone ~ Would you like…? example : Would you like to have a cup of tea? Would you care for…? example : Would you care for a drink? Can I get you…? example : Can I get you some food? How to Use “Would you like…?” to Offer Something Structure: Would you like + noun/noun phrase/infinitive + extension? How to Use “Would you care for…?” to Offer Something Structure: Would you care for +...